Maya and Aztec

Ancient Mesoamerican civilizations

Ancient Nahuatl Poetry ||| SONG XXIV

Category: Ancient Nahuatl Poetry



Quititi, quititi, quiti tocoto, tocoti tocoto tocoti zan ic


Quititi, quititi, quiti tocoto, tocoti, tocoto, tocoti, then it is

to turn back again.

1. Ma xochicuicoya ma ichtoa nichuana ayyahue teyhuinti xochitl ao ya

noyehcoc ye nica poyoma xahuallan timaliuhtihuitz ay yo.

1. Let me pluck flowers, let me see them, let me gather the really

intoxicating flowers; the flowers are ready, many colored, varied in

hue, for our enjoyment.

2. Ma xochitl oyecoc ye nican ayyahuc can tlaahuixochitla moyahuaya

motzetzeloa ancazo yehuatl in nepapaxochitl ayyo. Zan commoni

huchuetl ma ya netotilo.

2. The flowers are ready here in this retired spot, this spot of

fragrant flowers, many sorts of flowers are poured down and scattered

about; let the drum be ready for the dance.

3. Yn quetzal poyomatl ayc ihcuilihuic noyol nicuicanitl in xochitl

ayan tzetzelihui ya ancuel ni cuiya ma xonahuacan ayio zan noyolitic

ontlapanion cuicaxochitl nicyamoyahuaya yxoochitla.

3. I the singer take and pour down before you from my soul the

beautiful poyomatl, not to be painted, and other flowers; let us

rejoice, while I alone within my soul disclose the songs of flowers,

and scatter them abroad in the place of flowers.

4. Cuicatl ya ninoquinilotehuaz in quemmanian xochineneliuhtiaz

noyollo yehuan tepilhuan oonteteuctin in ca yio.

4. I shall leave my songs in order that sometime I may mingle the

flowers of my heart with the children and the nobles.

5. Zan ye ic nichoca in quemanian zan nicaya ihtoa noxochiteyo

nocuicatoca nictlalitehuaz in quemanian xochineneliuhtiaz, etc.

5. I weep sometimes as I see that I must leave the earth and my

flowers and songs, that sometime these flowers will be vain and



It will be seen that there is a wearisome sameness in the theme of

most of the short poems. Probably the bards followed conventional

models, and feared for the popularity of their products, did they

seek originality. Here again are the same delight in flowers and

songs, and the same grief at the thought that all such joys are

evanescent and that soon “death closes all.”

I consider the poem one of undoubted antiquity and purely native in

thought and language.

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