Maya and Aztec

Ancient Mesoamerican civilizations

Archives for the ‘Aztec’ Category

Hernan Cortes and the Conquest of the Aztec empire (Mexico) by Spaniards

Category: Aztec

Cortes was born in the city of Medillin, on the banks of the Guadiana River, in the province of Estramadura, in the country of Spain. This was in 1485, in the last years of the Middle Ages. Estramadura was a poor and un­forgiving place that was void of opportunities. Its summers brought blinding heat and […]

Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco

Category: Aztec

During the fifteenth century the cities of Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco rose side by side. Both towns were built around their great temples. The Aztec’s considered these two temples to be the most important in their entire empire. Each of the great temples (cues) sat on top of pyramids that were the highest points in each […]

Motecuhzoma (Montezuma)

Category: Aztec

Motecuhzoma (Montezuma) I ruled from 1440 to 1468. He was solely focused on the expansion of the Aztec Empire. Following his death, the Aztecs were probably ruled for three decades by weak and ineffective leaders. Then, in 1502 Motecuhzoma II came to power. Under his leadership the practice of human sacrifice expanded. He ruled between […]